Easing Into 25

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher I fear May has become the month of melancholy for me.  For the past nearly 30 years, May has been the hustle and bustle, much like December.  Graduations, school semesters ending, apartment-moving, babies coming home for the summer, end of school year parties, teacher...

Mother’s Day Madness

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher I believe I need a career change.  I got so aggravated the other day, I know exactly what that change should be.  Somebody with some sense and the ability to express sentiments in a meaningful and memorable way needs to join the Hallmark team, because the options when...

Doughnut Danger

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Doughnuts are my jam.  They are my kryptonite as I do not have the strength to resist them, and then, I feel really bad after my indulgence.  That’s likely because I am completely incapable of consuming only one single doughnut.  It’s doughnut danger.  It’s a...

Right or Wrong?

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher The quintessential battle of right versus wrong reigns supreme in my life.  It’s much the same as the good versus evil analogy, with right being good and evil being wrong.  I believe it’s because I tend to be extremely black and white.  There’s not much gray with...

Blacking Out

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher The term “blackout” has meant many things for me throughout the years.  Blackout curtains comes to mind instantly, as I recently purchased some new curtains for our bedroom, and Mr. Kaminski insisted that they be “blackout” curtains.  How he knew such a thing...

Change is Good – Except for Computers

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Typically, I embrace change.  I feel change is progressive, something to look forward to.  That’s all fine and dandy, until my technology or my ride changes.  Those changes I absolutely cannot abide by. Take my beloved Bonita for instance.  I have had her 10 years...

Thirty Years of Bliss, and Three Words of Wisdom

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Nearly 11,000 days or 360 months.  That’s how long I’ve been married to Mr. Kaminski this week.  Any way you look at it, that’s a minute – and yes, it’s gone by in a flash. This passing of time thing is a slippery slope.  Last month, we were married.  Last...

Dog Days of Spring Break

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher Life is just full of surprises – right?  Of course, the word “boring” has never been used to describe me or the life I’ve been blessed to live.  The concept is just not in my wheelhouse.  I tend to liken myself to picante sauce: a bit chunky with a little heat...

Meeting Leading Medicine’s New Leader: CEO Michael Garcia

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher There’s a new kid on the block at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital (HMSL). It’s the new Chief Executive Officer Michael Garcia.  After Chris Siebenaler’s 17-year stint as the CEO, Garcia is taking the reins of the ever-expanding, state-of-the-art medical...

West Texas Wanderings

By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher A couple of summers ago, Lisa Ann and I ran away from home.  Granted, we didn’t realize at the time that was our intention, but as circumstances allowed, that’s precisely what happened. Lisa Ann had to go to San Antonio on business, so naturally I tagged along, which...

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