The Key to Knowledge: Libraries in Fort Bend County



The Fort Bend County Law Library in Richmond.

The Fort Bend County Law Library in Richmond.

How many places in this world can one go to escape the harsh realities of the day? There is a place that makes no demands and costs no money to visit. Peace and quiet are the rules, and there are endless possibilities to be entertained and to explore. Relax and unwind with a good book in the public library.

Our great country is home to more than 16,000 public libraries subsidized through public funds at the local, county and state levels. On July 1, 1713, the Articles of Agreement were set up to form a library by group members of Junto, a philosophical association organized and run by Benjamin Franklin. In the 18th century, books were rare, expensive and hard to find. Junto recognized the need to share books.

By combining purchasing power, books could be made available to all members. Fifty subscribers invested 40 shillings each to start a library. There were books on history, geography, poetry, exploration and science. In 1833, the United States’ first tax-supported public library opened in Peterborough, New Hampshire. In 1876, the American Library Association was formed, and Melvil Dewey introduced his popular decimal based system of categorizing and classifying books.

The George Memorial Library in Richmond.

The George Memorial Library in Richmond.

After the Civil War, the Women’s Club of America lobbied for financial support for more libraries, donating their own collection of books and campaigning through fundraising for buildings. In the late 19th century, Andrew Carnegie, owner of Carnegie Steel Company, builder of Carnegie Hall and a nationally known philanthropist, built over 2,000 libraries in the United States.

There are four basic types of libraries: public, school, academic and special. The first public libraries in Fort Bend were late arriving to the communities compared to the rest of the nation. Small, private libraries were accessible only to wealthy members who invested in contributing to the book supply. Circulating libraries rented books out, and school districts had books available for their students. The combination of these three types of libraries first began in 1947 by a group of 12 ladies of the Share-A-Book-Club in Rosenberg. They were granted their petition, and on May 12, 1947, the commissioners voted and established the first public library housed in the Rosenberg City Hall. The library opened in 1948 with 1,000 books.

The Bob Lutts Fulshear/Simonton Branch Library in Fulshear.

The Bob Lutts Fulshear/Simonton Branch Library in Fulshear.

Soon, plans were made for the Fort Bend County Free Library Building. This building opened July 7, 1949 at a cost of over $50,000 and housed over 8,000 volumes of books. Over the next few years, the building was expanded, and public interest increased. In 1974, Albert George Branch Library opened in Needville, along with the Mamie George Branch in Stafford. The George Memorial Library in Richmond opened its doors in June 1986 with three levels featuring a gallery of exhibitions, a children’s theater and an outdoor amphitheater.

In 1990, the Fort Bend County library system began operating the Fort Bend County Law Library. The purpose was to provide legal research and educational needs for public officials in Fort Bend. In 1997, the Bob Lutts Fulshear/Simonton Branch Library opened with 10,500 square feet and housed over 50,000 items. Fort Bend County’s libraries continue to receive upgrades and improvements to stay current in an ever-changing world. Even with the advancement of technology, libraries are here to stay. Today, Fort Bend County boasts 11 public libraries that are fully equipped, constantly utilized and enjoyed by all ages.