By Patti Parish-Kaminski, Publisher
Doing the only thing I know to do to stay warm: drinking tequila!
I left Texas mid-November. It was a balmy 70 degrees as it tends to be in Texas during a cool spell. While I was headed West to a colder climate, I had no worries. After all, I had a coat there, along with sweaters, sweats and such. I was good.
Headed BTT (back to Texas) some six weeks later, I was in for a steely shock. Even though I left Colorado behind, the wintery weather followed me home, which was fine, until I made a stark revelation.
I was in a chilly conundrum the first morning I woke up in our beloved Lone Star State. I wrapped up like an Eskimo simply to get out of bed. I headed to the closet to make a wardrobe selection for the day when it hit me. In an effort to clean out my closet, I had moved all, yes ALL, of my winter coats in anticipation of colder days in a more humane climate. After all, I hardly ever wore coats here, so in a sweltering November, I packed up the useless, heavy, warm coats. No, I wasn’t drinking.
I literally had no recall of this particular activity until I needed warmth. In all honesty with the holiday hustle and bustle, it took me a minute to even remember what I had done. I was shook.
“Somebody broke into the house and stole all of my winter coats,” was my initial response that I shrieked to Mr. Kaminski in the early morning hours. I was near hysterics certain of a thieving intruder albeit one with excellent taste.
My hysteria was met with a blank stare. Mr. Kaminski is not a morning person.
“My coats are gone!” I repeated, shrilly and loudly. “My furs, my capes, my big coats – they are all gone! Somebody took them!”
Three words was all Mr. Kaminski could utter at this unholy hour. “You took them.”
“I did not!” I protested. “Why would I do such a thing?”
Then, “Oh,” as the light came on. I remembered.
With meetings plus a social event week one of 2025 during an Artic blast, I was in a pickle. Mr. Kaminski heard me lamenting the situation with Lisa Ann on the phone and promptly delivered his blue jean jacket to me. As if that would keep me warm, plus, it’s not a fashion statement I subscribe to. He was pretty tickled with himself.
Still in a state, I shared my winter woes with Lucas.
“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll go to AJ’s closet and bring you a fur.”
I love that man. He gets me.
See y’all next week – on the frozen tundra of a Texas porch!
Patti Parish-Kaminski
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