Now that I survived the arctic blast with no electricity and frigid temps, I’m more than ready for warm sunshine-filled days. Spring is a season to remind us that new life keeps emerging, new blooms appear and a great variety of growth keeps on showing up all around us. The plants and trees that we love emerge and bloom in due time. They all have their own natural cycles. For us, it’s an opportunity to refresh, repair, recover and revitalize ourselves. What are you going to do to emerge and bloom this Spring?
Our cover features OakBend Medical Center’s collaborative approach on COVID-19. CEO Joe Freudenberger said the task force was key to OakBend’s management of the pandemic. “You must fight as a team. Everyone must be coordinated in their actions or you won’t be effective.” To read more, see page 6. I personally want to thank OakBend and all of the healthcare workers for working so diligently during this pandemic. You truly are our heroes!
Our Medical Focus section is one not to be missed. There are many articles from family physicians to specialists in our Brazos community. We are so fortunate to have such great healthcare so close to home.
Our Brazos community has a few fun activities scheduled this spring! An Art Walk & Motor Madness will be in Downtown Richmond, Second Sunday Market Days in Downtown Rosenberg and the Rosenberg Railroad museum will host The Pullman Porter exhibit along with some Sunday Garden Railroad Rundays. See website for dates and times at
OakBend Medical Center is hosting a virtual fundraising event in April – “Power of the Purse.” For more information or sponsorships, visit I look forward to seeing you out and about in Brazos!
As you find time for renewal, remember – smile, be happy, laugh more and don’t sweat the small stuff.
Wishing each of you a Happy Spring, a fun Spring Break and a Blessed Easter!
Absolutely yours,
Kay Garrett