Steamboats on the Brazos

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances – Images from  The Story of America – Mark Twain painted a handsome sight for the reader. Magnificent and regal, peacefully gliding down the Mississippi River, the steamboat was the transportation marvel of its time. Stories of floating palaces and...

Bonnie and Clyde in Rosenberg

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY  | By Joan Frances – History is filled with fascinating stories of the choices people made to survive in difficult times providing engaging biographies and dramatic stories of individuals doing whatever they could to survive, even if it was breaking the law. During the...

The Fort Bend Boys Choir: A Majestic Gift of Song

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances – There is something about hearing music that calms the nerves and soothes the soul. During the early days of Fort Bend County, settlers made their own musical instruments and found time between the harvests and during the holidays to meet in the town...

Early Health Care in Fort Bend County

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances Photos from Fort Bend County Texas: A Pictorial History – Over a century ago, health care was virtually non-existent. Assistance came from farmers or merchants who performed necessary duties, such as removing bullets, resetting broken bones or prescribing...

Ghost Haunts in Rosenberg & Richmond

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances – Have you ever walked into a room and felt as if someone was watching you, but no one was there? Have you noticed a shadow out of the corner of your eye or a cold spot in the room? What about strange noises or random articles falling off the wall, misplaced...

World War II and Prisoners of War in Rosenberg

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances  | Photos from  Fort Bend County Texas: A Pictorial History – World War II affected everyone. From Germany to Japan to the United States, families were separated, the economy suffered and communities adjusted to a new way of life. Over 400,000 German,...

Jane Long Elementary School: Raising the Bar for Special Education

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances- One to three percent of the United States’ population is affected by mental disabilities. Children who were diagnosed before age 18 with below average general intellectual function and lack of social skills warrant special education. The history of mentally...

The Rosenberg Historian’s Labor of Love: Images of America, Historic Downtown Rosenberg

By Joan Frances – We are proud Americans. We are proud of where we came from and where we are going. The preservation of history is a necessity for the benefit of future generations. Thirty-six Rosenberg historians set out to gather information from a wide variety of credible sources to complete and...

Texas Weather

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances | Photos from Pictorial History of Rosenberg – Texans have an answer when people ask about the weather. “If you don’t like the weather today, just stick around. It will change.” South Texas has a reputation for mild winters and hot, muggy summers....

Drive-In Movie Theaters: An Icon of American Culture

A LITTLE PIECE OF HISTORY | By Joan Frances – Anyone who was born in the 1940s remembers the good old days of the drive-in theater. Weekends were highly anticipated, and lines of automobiles came early to get the best parking spot. The car was a comfortable change from traditional movie theater seats....

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