November 2015 – Exclamation Points!

Kassidi and Kolton Kaminski

Kassidi and Kolton Kaminski

The True Meaning of Thanksgiving

Now that one of my babies has “flown the nest” and resides at the University of Texas instead of our home, I have an entirely new appreciation for the word “Thanksgiving.” As a child, I fondly remember traveling to Mawmaw’s house for the annual feast with her waiting up – very late at night – for us to arrive. I never understood why she didn’t go to bed and just see us in the morning rather than wait up until well past her bedtime to make certain we arrived safely. With Kassidi in college traveling home for holidays, I now get it.

Spending this special time with family and friends, giving thanks for our many blessings is a uniquely American tradition filled with the good stuff: food, friends and fellowship. And in this issue, we can help with the food – at least the desserts. Chef Nicholas Maresh shares some of his favorite pumpkin recipes with us on page 26. And if you run out of time to make them yourself, I’m sure Nicholas will help you out.

Speaking of friends, our friends at Legacy Ford are celebrating a milestone this month, and they are doing it the way they have done business in our community for the last ten years – by giving. The Ewer and Sexton families are giving away $10,000 to a Fort Bend non-profit as a part of their “Ten Years Strong” celebration.  Congratulations to Legacy Ford – good friends of our community and ones that we are truly thankful for.

By definition, Thanksgiving is the act of giving thanks to God in acknowledgement of His divine favor. My mother and I, walking through that door safely at 2 am, was Mawmaw’s Thanksgiving. Today, having both of my birdies home in their nest is my Thanksgiving. And, of course, being able to eat so many of my favorite foods without guilt. Columnist Erma Bombeck said it best: “What we’re really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?”

Why else indeed. Give thanks this season as we all at absolutely! Brazos will be giving thanks for you – our readers, advertisers, family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

Absolutely yours,